Monday, August 01, 2005

Too many things on my mind

First - sorry for not writing in such a long time. I have been soooo busy (not really with my job and thesis though *g*) and could not really find the motivation for writing in my blog somehow... I've been to birthday parties (Happy B-Day, Geb!), I've been to Frühschoppen in Upper Austria (Thanks for the hospitality of Martin!) and I've been at home in Slovakia playing tennis, sunbathing, swimming (especially the Alte Donau is extremely beautiful and warm - my recommendations!).

And now... Now, I am back. The next two weeks will be about studying and work but I am happy about it as I have the feeling that I will be able to get the work I have to do, done! ;) And I will be getting tanned and a bit sporty, as I am leaving for Sardinia in a two weeks time and by that I do not want to look like a tourist there (even that I know, I will). *g*

But now it is time for Bewegen! ;) See you later, my friends.

Oh, btw: I accidentaly found a web site of a very talented artist - Beverly Naidus, whose images I kind of totally fell for. As a glimpse of her work, here is the Yucca Mountain Boddhisattva:
She combines chakras and their power into the picture of the worlds outside and inside us. That is what I really like about her work. The interdependence existing in our universe.
(And btw, having so many things on my mind, I feel the need for such a Boddhisattva in me...) ;)


Anonymous said...


Meld dich mal, wenn du wieder Zeit hast. :)


Anonymous said...

So glad that you like my Yucca Mountain Boddhisattva. I created her in response to the foolish plans to create a radioactive waste dump in the Yucca Mountain area of New Mexico. I wanted to be able to be able to breathe through this tragedy and all the cancers that will be caused by nuclear waste deposited on the planet. Maybe you can post my website next to your comments on the work so that others can go to my site. Thanks!


Alex said...

Wow! Such an honor, Beverly! Thanks for the visit and the comments about the artwork. I did not know about Yucca Mountain repository till I googled it now. :( It truly is devastating as it is a federally protected land... we have messed up our Earth quite a bit already and now this!
For all the others who would like to know more about the Yucca Mountain Project: