Saturday, May 13, 2006

Cher quotes, Marathon and Love

Ok, this is maybe a shock for some of you... (certainly for the gay community) but I have only today discovered what a great chic Cher is! Freizeit of Kurier, an Austrian daily, had a feature about the 1964 singer and actress, which kind of summed up her career and lifestyle, incl. some of her greatest quotes...

My Top 5:

5. "I think that the longer I look good, the better gay men feel."

4. "I don't like Bush. I don't trust him. I don't like his record. He's stupid. He's lazy."

3. "A girl can wait for the right man to come along but in the meantime that still doesn't mean she can't have a wonderful time with all the wrong ones."

2. "Men should be like Kleenex: soft, strong and disposable."

and *fanfare*

1. "If you really want something you can figure out how to make it happen."

According to those, I see her as a strong and independent woman who knows what she wants and is steady with her opinions. I like that... It feels like what I would like to be myself, even that I know, I am not really able to lose some of my rigidness and conservative views that soon, still, I am getting more and more stronger lately. :)

Second news: some of you know, some of you do not... I was taking part in the Vienna City Marathon as part of a 4-person-relay. I had the first part which was 16 km and I really felt great! The day began very good, the weather was perfect. Little sun, not as much wind blowing, good temperature for a long run. Even that the beginning kind of got me unprepared as I did not expect all the other people running that fast... I was quite buffled by that. I really gets your mood down if all the people are overtaking you within the first two kilometers. However, I did not let myself get lose and continued within my rhythm and made the 16 km in 1:42 h. which actually is less than I expected (1:45 till 2:00 h.), so I am really happy about that! I certainly plan to go on with running. It felt good and made me appreciate my body a lot.

And now the love stuff... Hm. Dunno what to say, Mr. T is letting me hanging in the limbo right now. I am not sure how the relationship will develop... maybe it is the distance, maybe it is me / us, maybe something else. Dunno. I do like him, that is what I know. I kind of feel however that I am slowly telling myself to let loose... to lessen the emotional bond a bit... which probably is a trick to let myself not get hurt that much when I get walked out on. Well, we will see.

(Love 4: picture by Diego Manuel)

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