Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Another year in my life closes, another begins. I feel that the number 28 is a special one... it gives me confidence. According to numerology, 28 is reflected in the number 1 which is ruled by the Sun. It lies in the center of all the numbers, it shines with leadership. It provides gifts as self-suffiency, mastery and invention. It stands for establishing individuality and making a name. And I really feel that way. There is something changing in my inner self since this summer... maybe it was due to the process of finding the worth of living... instrumental for the things to come... maybe it is the full-time job I have started in November, and maybe it is me looking at life with eyes unclouded for a long time now, re-establishing my spirituality, which I thought, I have lost long time ago... but actually just were not able to see.

Simon Ripley / In PowerThe change I speak of is towards a more free version of myself. Still true to my values of friendship, creativity, beauty and helpfulness but at the same time more focused on my passions, which previously may have been held by the chains of morality, fear and low self-esteem. This is surely just the beginning of the journey, however I hear the call louder each day. I reflect my actions more and thorough than ever. I feel like every step of mine is conscious in itself, like every eyes movement has a meaning...

But back to the numbers now... One posseses also several challenges: stubbornness, egotism, bluntness, ambition, dominance, willfulness and impulsiveness are just few to mention. And yes, I am conscious of those. Especially bluntness may be an easy hole to fall in. I am not speaking of bluntness of words, as that one is just a progression of the bluntness of the hearth, the bluntness of the soul. It could happen when I would begin to be consumed with myself too much. And maybe I already am... *shudder* Reflection needed.

At the end - a quick but warm-hearted thanks to all who thought of me! Best wishes to all of you!

(picture by: Simon Ripley)

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